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Wine is produced in every state of America, however there are just five states where the wine industry plays a significant role – California, Oregon, Washington, New York, and Virginia.

Winemaking in America was established in the early 1900s with now amazing variety of styles and grape varieties that this fascinating wineland has to offer.

California is by far the biggest producer of wine in the States producing around 90% of the country’s total output.

California Zinfandal is produced in this region helped by the cool Pacific winds and fog that blow in from the west, with a cooling effect on vineyards. The most appetising styles come from these cooler regions.

Order a California Zinfandal today with every glass features a delicate and refreshing taste with soft fruity flavours of peach and strawberry complimented by complex floral notes. Enjoy each tantalising sip, once you’ve browsed our collection and ordered your preferred bottle.